About — Au Fait Living

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My vision for Au Fait is to help people create a home which feels safe and cozy away from the craziness (and sometimes ugliness) of the world. Where you walk in the door and into a space created just for yourself and for your loved ones to relax, love, grow, learn, laugh and to hang out in your undies.  It might not be magazine perfect (hell, mine isn’t), there may piles of kids toys and washing on the floor (yep, me too) but it’s your little sanctuary where you’re free to be yourself, to create memories and a sense of what home means to you.
The innate and somewhat meaningless (but pretty) objects that you choose to fill your home with now will intrinsically weave themselves into your memories tomorrow.  Looking back, I remember the wooden wine barrel that we had in our formal dining room that one day leaked red wine all over the white carpet (it’s still a mystery how that could have happened…..) and the carved wooden camphor chest that stored all our baby clothes and toys and reeked so strongly of moth balls that I had hold my breath when opening the lid while the fumes dispersed. And there was the set of foam mattresses that served as beds for when our friends slept over, cubby house walls, a slide down the stairs and a landing pad when we jumped off the balcony.
At Au Fait we fist pump unique and embrace quirkiness. We celebrate handmade and cheers to versatility. We give a thumbs up emoji to not having to spend a fortune to create a lived in beautiful space.
We hope you love our lifestyle treasures as much as we do and that they become a part of the happy, beautiful and bonkers memories that you and your loved ones have of home.